Iconica Archives

This is a general knowledge base for all Iconica Edition 1 cards, game sets and story elements. Additional information such as errata and archetypal break downs will be placed here as well.

Download the current rules here (V12).


Iconica is a tabletop card game of strategy and tactical decision-making set within the World of Rynaga. Players select three characters and face off against another player's trio. The object of the game is to use your character's actions to defeat your opponent's characters. Game markers are used to track the loss or gain of health on health meters. Dice are used to determine available actions and the outcomes of some actions.

Since its release in 2008, Iconica has received critical praise from Wired, Penny Arcade, and several blogs and podcasts which review indie tabletop games. I'm the beating heart behind Iconica's creation, creating everything from new characters and art to the writing and design.

Each card in Iconica is unique, there are no duplicate or all-powerful characters in the game sets. This means that each card is an individual with its own set of abilities. In the end, every character is capable of greatness.

The Story So Far

Iconica – Prelude to an Epic

The story of widespread conflict on Rynaga is one of chance happenings. It begins with the unexpected arrival of the Sarion – a proud, star-faring people from another world.

By chance, these aliens crash land in a remote part of Etherna, a country of temperate climates and plentiful resources. Here the Sarion encounter radia, an energy source which renders their advanced weapons and technologies useless. But something else happens.

Radia alters Sarion biochemistry. On Rynaga, Sarion children grow and mature much faster than on their former homeworld. In the shadow of their ruined starship, the Sarion adapt to their new home and build their first city, named after their fallen space vessel – Sol Luminus.

After many years, Sarion explorers venture into new lands. Veratar is the first new continent they colonize. Here they establish cities, towns, and outposts, some of which infringe upon existing native territories and sensitive ecosystems. This leads to conflicts with those who have called Rynaga home for eons.

In time, the Sarion adopt a policy of expansion, resource acquisition, and conquest known as the Legion Agenda. To counteract the Legion’s ambitions, several native civilizations form an alliance called the Protectorate.

Iconica – Defenders of Sanctum

As Legion loyalists continue to settle new lands across Veratar, Protectorate leaders become increasingly concerned at the pace of Sarion expansion. But Sarion culture takes an unexpected turn.

A movement to reject the ideals of the Legion takes root within Sarion society. Dissension leads thousands of once loyal citizens to denounce their government and its goals of conquest. These rebels name themselves Saraja, which in the native languages of Rynaga translates to a people remade.

Seeking to live in harmony with others – Rynaga’s natives and alien Sarion alike – the Saraja faction settles in a region of Veratar they call Sanctum. Here they form their own laws, governance, and a system of rule where strong leaders can flourish.

The effects of this division can not be overstated. Sarion expansion across Veratar comes to a halt. Supporters of the Legion withdraw from some of their settlements, leaving ghost towns and empty settlements in their wake. Despite these destabilized zones, overall peace prevails.

But the rise of the Saraja faction also emboldens the Legion’s champions. Far away from Veratar in the kingdom of Etherna, a new Sarion ruler is chosen – the Pharax. With patience and cunning, the Pharax plots against those who would stand in the way of Sarion progress.

Iconica – March of the Legion

When the Sarion crash landed on Rynaga, their survival seemed impossible. But over time, these colonists transformed themselves into a thriving civilization. Now, the grand city of Sol Luminus serves as a monument to Sarion resourcefulness and strength.

Although these offworlders take great pride in their prosperity on Rynaga, their ultimate desire is to return to their homeworld. For decades they watch the skies for signs of fellow space travelers who could rescue them. Then one day a historic discovery is made.

Evidence of intelligent life is found on the surface of Rynaga’s largest moon, Phaeton. Peering through their telescopes Sarion Star Mavens discover a towering structure in a region of dense foliage. This object closely resembles other spires found throughout Rynaga.

The Pharax, high ruler of the Sarion people, uses the moon spire discovery to inspire the Legion's supporters. Their research reveals a civilization of advanced radia users is responsible for constructing these spires long ago and may possesses an understanding of interplanetary travel.

Consequently, a new initiative is launched to secure this knowledge. After years of preparation, the Pharax begins a renewed campaign of expansion across Veratar, with the goal of capturing its seven spires and uncovering their ancient secrets. If the power to return the Sarion people to their homeworld exists, the time has come to find it.

A Future Unknown

For all of their innovation, power, and wealth, the Sarion are still aliens on a planet they do not fully understand. What will be the long-term effects of their radia experiments? Can anything halt Sarion expansion and dominance? Will the native races of Rynaga be able to resist the Legion?

Time will tell.

Character Listing

The colorful characters found in Iconica hail from across the many lands of Rynaga. Through Iconica, our characters come to life and offer their skills on your behalf in the context of a tabletop game, which incorporates chance with key decision-making. Each character has its own backstory, abilities, and strengths. Each character is capable of greatness and none should be underestimated.

There are seven archetypal groups Iconica characters fall into – Artisans, Intellectuals, Loyalists, Merchants, Contractors, Radians, and Vagabonds.

There are two main types of releases for Iconica – Core Series and Mini Series. Core Series sets include 22 characters and game pieces. Mini Series sets are card-only expansions. There’s also an Iconica Starter Set (Crossroads) which is for two players.

Some Iconica characters, such as X-Series, Exclusives, and Legends are not for sale. They’re given as gifts during special promotions online or in person. Below is a listing of all of the Iconica characters created, appearing in the order they were released.

Iconica – Prelude to an Epic
(Core Series 1, #1–22)

#1 – Featherune Sentinel
#2 – Karkalan Dreadnaut
#3 – Silentwood Hunter
#4 – Featherune Bowmaiden
#5 – Shadowhand Agent
#6 – Northern Rim Ranger
#7 – Kril Assassin
#8 – Araylian Pathfinder
#9 – Phaedran Sentinel
#10 – Vanmark Nightwatcher
#11 – Black Door Shrieve
#12 – Symetran Songsayer
#13 – Drakhan Raider
#14 – Thornholde Sentinel
#15 – Greystalk Vaygr Slayer
#16 – Karmethian Chemist
#17 – Blue Hollow Avenir
#18 – Vanessian Paragon
#19 – Lunaen Masquer
#20 – Ithilian Cipher
#21 – Hirojan Brew Master
#22 – Traveling Wildcard

Iconica – Defenders of Sanctum
(Core Series 2, #23–44)

#23 – Sanctum Haladron
#24 – Marconian Bard
#25 – Karmethian Nervapath
#26 – Sanctum Curic
#27 – Acasian Arc Warden
#28 – Tanglefern Dead Eye
#29 – Sanctum Glaive Knight
#30 – Pykonian Dark Trader
#31 – Farpoint Mercenary
#32 – Dragathan Aeronaut
#33 – Sanctum Ranger
#34 – Tanglefern Venomist
#35 – Karkalan Nightstalker
#36 – Sunhold Dawnbringer
#37 – Acasian Arc Adept
#38 – Varthan Radia Hunter
#39 – Sanctum Triceta
#40 – Algadoni Dune Runner
#41 – Sanctum Savant
#42 – Thorvald Anchor
#43 – Galaeon Spicer
#44 – Inkwater Mimic

Iconica – X-Series

#45 – Wandering Siryn

Iconica – Cirqus of the Three Moons
(Mini Series 1, #46–56)

#46 – Fairewood Ring Master
#47 – Fairewood Escapist
#48 – Fairewood Pirolyn
#49 – Fairewood Acrobat
#50 – Fairewood Anvyl
#51 – Fairewood Urchyn
#52 – Fairewood Radia Juggler
#53 – Fairewood Dyad
#54 – Fairewood Radia Mezmyr
#55 – Fairewood Dagonet
#56 – Fairewood Trickster

Iconica – X-Series

#57 - Fairewood Fool Knight
#58 - Dartugan Sea Rogue

Iconica – Crossroads
(Starter Set, #59–64)

#59 – Lylean Sentinel
#60 – Varthan Bolt Caster
#61 – Grynevian Navigator
#62 – Ice Gate Mercenary
#63 – Port Gravis Pathfinder
#64 – Dragathan Artifactor

Iconica – X-Series

#65 - Fangrune Guardian

Iconica – Legends

#66 - Neko Minnowlark

Iconica – Hidden Tides of Inyx
(Mini Series 2, #67–77)

#67 – Inyxian Soup Sage
#68 – Inyxian Dryfin
#69 – Inyxian Sona-Ki Fighter
#70 – Inyxian Herbalist
#71 – Inyxian Torko Trainer
#72 – Inyxian Echonaut
#73 – Inyxian Sea Ranger
#74 – Inyxian Birdtalker
#75 – Inyxian Phase Adept
#76 – Inyxian Sabryn Slayer
#77 – Wandering Sneak

Iconica – X-Series

#78 - Inyxian Zenyth
#79 - Phantomwold Timelock

Iconica Exclusives
(Phoenix Comicon 2015, #80–82)

#80 – Valneon Shrieve
#81 - Grynevian Arborist
#82 - Karmethian Dragane

Iconica – X-Series

#83 - Hiveland Carapid Slayer

Iconica – Legends

#84 - Pharax Maligant

Iconica – March of the Legion
(Core Series 3, #85–106)

#85 – Sol Luminus Legionare
#86 – Sol Luminus Dreadnaut
#87 – Sol Luminus Paragon
#88 – Sol Luminus Swarmcaller
#89 – Sol Luminus Infiltrator
#90 – Sol Luminus Siege Master
#91 – Sol Luminus White Phage
#92 – Sol Luminus Red Phage
#93 – Sol Luminus Nervapath
#94 – Sol Luminus Shroud
#95 – Sol Luminus Heritor
#96 – Sol Luminus Star Maven
#97 – Sol Luminus Gourmet
#98 – Signus Athid Imperitor
#99 – Signus Drone Guard
#100 – Signus Hive Raider
#101 – Signus Pheromazer
#102 – Signus Dragane
#103 – Lunaen Vastir
#104 – Glimmergor Naturalist
#105 – Wailing Vale Saberist
#106 – Wandering Racala