A geometric epic, for those who wander.

World of Rynaga started in the house I grew up in, as a collection of sketches and notes I stashed away. Since then it’s brought me a long way. It led me to adventures as an exhibitor at pop-culture conventions, a publisher of original content and a design director for a global material science company. And the road goes “ever on and on”.

Design notes

World of Rynaga (WoR) is an evolving body of work featuring original stories, art and design. It’s supported by enthusiasts of all kinds at pop-culture conventions and small in-person exhibitions. Upcoming project plans include new art and games.

With this project, I’m on a quest to bring my own unique brand of storytelling to life in an art style that appeals to people of all cultural backgrounds.


Inception: February 2001

Status: Ongoing

Elements: Storytelling, Game Design, World-building, Illustration

Made for

Geometric art enjoyers – Inspirations include Charley Harper, Jim Flora, Takeo Takei and Mary Blair to name a few.

Science-fantasy gamers – I describe WoR as a science-fantasy setting. A place where the natural world and technology are all at once in harmony and at odds.

Fellow creatives – As artists we can have lots of diverging and competing interests, so it can be challenging to commit to a single project long-term. But there are some huge benefits to having one or two projects that are constants for our creativity. I’ll continue to unpack these ideas as WoR grows.

Worlds colliding

So get this: An advanced civilization sends its bravest explorers into space. But after some time, contact with the adventurers is lost. Years go by. Decades fade. And the mystery surrounding their disappearance passes into legend.

Meanwhile, across the stars those travelers are now aliens, stranded on a wondrous world the natives call Rynaga (rin-ah-gah). These castaways learn to survive and thrive. Never forgetting their star-faring origins.

As time flies, the settlers grow in number and exert their dominance in region after region. They will stop at nothing to return to the stars. Even if it means defying forces of nature they do not understand.

Form following fiction

While World of Rynaga (WoR) stories have some characteristics of literary fiction, they’re mostly in the category of science-fantasy. Tales are told by a narrator who “knows all” and reveals things progressively. Extra details and deeper references are added only when it’s critical to understanding the big picture.

The art style is inspired by the “superflat” movement and is illustrated using a limited collection of geometric shapes. At first, I didn’t think it was possible to build a compelling world with several shapes. But the process was freeing in way that’s hard to describe. Now, geometry will always be at the core of Rynaga’s art style.

This stands in contrast to other forms of storytelling in pop-culture, such as graphic novels and comic books. These attempt to illustrate every aspect of a story, leaving little to the imagination. WoR is different. The imagery is about the relationship between positive and negative shapes, just as the stories set on this world are about positive and negative emotions, actions and forces.

Small beginnings

World of Rynaga pretty much represents the beginnings of my work as an artist. That’s because it all started in high school. With the doodles I risked in math class. Notebooks I hid from prying eyes. Scribbles I stashed away in shoe boxes and protected from little siblings.

For us original nerds, the late 80s and 90s weren’t so friendly. I was bullied for being who I was – a daydreaming, shy and often distracted doodler. But things changed. I started drawing party flyers and portraits for others and I made friends through my art.

Before I knew it, high school was over. I started working in the real world. By the time I finished a two-year art degree in 2000, I had turned all those World of Rynaga notes into a plan. I would build a world of fiction, art and color. I had all the tools to do it. So I started with art prints. Then books. And eventually games.

That’s pretty much how the “Rynagaverse” (:P) started. I didn’t always know if my ideas would be successful. And I still don’t. Some ideas don’t work out. Others aren’t worth producing. There’s no magic formula for the success I’ve had with this project. I just keep doing the best I can.

Career impact

No other self-initiated project has been as important to me as WoR. I’ve worked as a designer for agencies, in-house and as a consultant. In each scenario, World of Rynaga is an example of the determination and self-motivation I bring to my work. It’s one way I demonstrate attention to details, my product development sensibilities and how determined I am to get things done. Despite setbacks.

This project has led to many opportunities. Art shows. Speaking engagements. Exhibiting at pop-culture conventions. Meeting all sorts of creative and imaginative folks who offer support. Each of these experiences has taught me something about sticking with a project long-term and focusing my efforts on big, ambitious goals.

Making the game

Iconica was released in 2008 and is the first tabletop game title I published. Everything is set within the World of Rynaga. Players select three characters and face off against another player's trio. The object of the game is to use your character's actions to defeat your opponent's characters. Game markers are used to track health loss or gain. Dice are used to determine available actions and the outcomes of some actions.

Iconica Travels, released in 2015, is a gameplay module players can add to their collection. Iconica Travels expands the base game, adding RPG elements such as creature encounters, events, perils and more to the battle mechanic. Exploration, missions and management of resources give players new ways to experience their favorite characters.

NOTE: First editions of both the Iconica and Iconica Travels are currently out of print. (Stuff in the works tho! :)

Gameplay with character

Each character card in Iconica is designed to be a satisfying slice of Rynaga history and lore. Through these characters, the wide world comes to life with bits of flavor text, character descriptions and callouts to various landmarks. All of which – together with separate maps and books – add up to give players a birds eye view of the epic they’re involved in.

This is how the characters in this game came to be called “icons”, as they represent the people you’d meet if you were to travel the world yourself. Rather than illustrate all the cards using dynamic action scenes, I created the characters almost as if they were asked to take a headshot or pose for a camera. Their expressions bear the weight of the burdens they may carry or the journeys they must endure. Their weapons and tools imply the challenges they’ll face.

In the end, I imagine characters that aren’t too different from us. Some days, we’re everyday heroes or anti-heros. Other days we make mistakes and our failings may paint us as the villain in the eyes of others. Whether we deserve it or not. We’re all imperfect after all.

Iconica Archives

Here you’ll find a quick overview of the game, some bits of backstory and a complete listing of all the characters in Iconica.

Enter the Iconica Archives

On the horizon

It’s been a long time since any new Iconica-related stuff happened. 2017 to be exact. And lots has happened since then. To us all. But I’ve got some interesting things cooking.

Some updates:

  1. As of 2017, first editions of Iconica (all sets) and Iconica Travels – The Hiveland Expedition are out of print. I have very limited stock left. You might say they’re collectors items now!

  2. Early in 2019 a survey went out to Iconica supporters all over the planet. A wealth of feedback was sent back my way! That feedback has been put to good use since then.

  3. At the start of 2023, I began development on “Iconica Next” (working title). I’m so excited to share how this experience will evolve!

After everything we’ve all experienced over the past few years, I’m thankful to have my health and the energy to remain committed to growing this part of my portfolio.

Most importantly

Special thanks to those of you who follow this project and are passionate about it. You know who you are! You former cosplayers. Those smug Iconica champs who gave me a thrashing. All you good-hearted harassers of my email inbox. Thank you for the suggestions, encouragement and support!